Inheritance between components
Inheritance is defined at schema level.
When a method is called:
- System Runtime will search if there is a behahior for the corresponding method (i.e. state) and instance,
- if not it will search a behahior for the corresponding method (i.e. state) and class name and
- if not it will search a behahior for the corresponding method (i.e. state) at parents class level.
// create the system
const system = runtime.system('example12');
const metamodel = runtime.require('metamodel');
// define a Person
metamodel.schema('Person', {
'firstName': 'property',
'lastName': 'property',
'getFullName': 'method'
// define a Teacher
metamodel.schema('Teacher', {
'_inherit': ['Person'] // inherit from Person
// Implement 'getFullName' method for Person class
const Person = runtime.require('Person');
Person.on('getFullName', () => this.firstName() + ' ' + this.lastName());
// create a Teacher
const Teacher = runtime.require('Teacher');
new Teacher({
'_id': 'eikichi',
'firstName': 'Eikichi',
'lastName': 'Onizuka'
system.on('start', () => {
const eikichi = this.require('eikichi');
// we can invoke 'getFullName' method on a Teacher instance
// run the system
Version compatibility
Remember that the example works both on server and browser.